Why Nell is the perfect gift this holiday season

  Nell Team

Clueless what to give to your family and friends? Looking for something unique?

This holiday season, show them how much you care by gifting them with the discovery of themselves - their DNA.

For the health geeks

Got a cousin who’s always scouring the web for the most nutritious pasta recipe? A Nell DNA test will reveal how effectively they process omega-3 fats, vitamin D, and detoxification. These discoveries will allow them to transform their view of their relationship with food, empowering them to make nutritional decisions personalised for their health goals. Good nutrition is key to good health!

For the fitness fanatics

A healthy lifestyle isn’t complete without a focus on fitness and exercise. Gift a Nell DNA test to that friend who’s run countless marathons for them to learn about their natural muscle performance, aerobic capacity and the best type of exercise for them. Their next training session will definitely be tailored to their DNA. 

For the picky eaters

Rather than assuming your sibling is simply a picky eater, help them find out if they have any intolerances with Nell. Our Nutrition & Fitness test will unveil lactose and gluten intolerances as caffeine and alcohol sensitivity. In fact, they can also see if they are likely to have increased sensitivity to bitter and other foods from our taste receptors analysis! 

Pre-order your Nell test for you and your loved ones and learn more about what you will discover.